Are you looking for: Stress Relief Massage, Treatment Massage, Athletic Massage, MVA Massage (Motor vehicle accident)
From the desk of Jemal Anderson R.M.T D Ac
Each and every one of us at one time or another has massaged an area or body part that hurt, or stretched an aching back. If our own basic instincts tell us that mechanical pressure relieves discomfort, then why not get a trained, skilled, professional to help alleviate these problems?
Whether we are active or inactive our muscles perform similar functions. All muscles produce waste. This waste is cleared through muscle movement. An active person may produce more waste than can be cleared. An inactive person may not move enough to remove the waste. Both have the same result. Muscle discomfort.
This is where massage therapy can help.
Many of today’s health problems also arise from stress. Because stress upsets the delicate integral balance of all your body’s functions, regaining this balance requires a holistic approach.
It is auricular (ear) acupuncture to help reduce or alleviate symptoms from stress, anxiety and or depression.
Initially the effects are short lived but compound the more you do it.
For the best results it is recommended 2x/week for 2 weeks.
4(15-20 min) treatments for the same price of a 1 hr massage treatment
You can expect to feel:
The actual treatment consists of super small needles in your ears.
Then just relax and let your mind and body relax and enjoy the process.
You may want to close your eyes or play on your phone.
It will be a quiet safe place.
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